Facilities and Services
Our laboratories in CNSI rooms 2211 and 2128 are equipped for experiments involving radionuclides to develop new radiochemistry methods and to develop new technologies for production, purification, and quality control (QC) testing of radiolabeled compounds such as positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agents and targeted radiotherapeutics. Compounds we produce will ultimately be used for in vitro assays and preclinical in vivo imaging.
Services available:
- Routine radiochemistry services are available (e.g., PET tracer production) on a fee basis under a Sales and Service agreement. Please visit our Crump Cyclotron and Radiochemistry Technology Center page for more details.
- We are also interested in collaborative research projects, and in performing research under research contracts or SBIR grant subcontracts. Please contact Prof. Michael van Dam for more information.
Preclinical Imaging
We collaborate with the Crump Preclinical Imaging Technology Center to develop new technologies for tracer production and other aspects of preclinical imaging. We provide many of the tracers used for in vitro assays and in vivo imaging in this center.
Mechanical Prototyping
Our laboratory in CNSI 2149 is equipped for a variety of mechanical design, precision machining, and prototyping activities.
Services available:
- Access to the facility is available on a fee basis under a Sales and Service agreement. Please visit our Crump Engineering and Prototyping Technology Center page for more details.
- We are also interested in collaborative design projects. Please contact Prof. Michael van Dam for more information.
Micro/Nano Fabrication
Fabrication of micro- and nano-systems from polymer materials such as PDMS and PFPE is carried out in our Crump Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory. For specialized microfabrication needs, including photolithography, glass and silicon micromachining, and high precision characterization, we make extensive use of the state-of-the-art UCLA Nanoelectronics Research Facility (NanoLab) and the CNSI Integrated Systems Nanofabrication Cleanroom (ISNC).
Services available:
- We are interested in collaborations if you need help designing, fabricating, or operating PDMS microfluidic chips. Please contact Prof. Michael van Dam for more information.
Microfluidic and Systems Engineering
Our laboratory in CNSI 4310 is equipped for design, fabrication, and testing of microfluidic devices. We work with mechanical, electrical and electronic, pneumatic, and fluidic systems as well as develop control systems and software for automation.
Analytical Chemistry and Materials Analysis
We make use of several on-campus facilities that provide analytical chemistry and materials analysis services: